Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm Thin Therefore I Am

      “I’m Thin Therefore I Am,” by Nicci Gerrard, made me feel very hungry. Her descriptions of food painted pictures in my mind that made me want to put down my book and get to commons right away. However, her talent for describing food was one of the only things that I really liked. I found that I couldn’t relate much with her ideas of women and food. Outside of my immediate family, women do actually seem to do the majority of the cooking, but in my family thats not really the case. 
  My mom has never really been the star cook. Its not that she cant cook, she just doesn’t do it that often. Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving are one thing, but for the rest of the year, she keeps it simple. Very simple. My dad actually ends up doing a lot of cooking, which is contrary to what Nicci Gerrard might think is normal. And Sunday nights my two grandmothers, my mom’s mom and my dad’s mom, come over to make Sunday dinner. So my mom isn’t always in the kitchen. 
  Nicci Gerrard made it seem like a woman is supposed to be in the kitchen, and I don’t really agree with that. In one of my best friend’s houses, its the father who is always cooking dinner, and he is very good at it. Her mom, on the other hand, has a special talent for making food taste undercooked and burnt all at once. Its not to say that I see anything wrong with women in the kitchen, they do after all make great cooks, I just don’t think that they should be expected to be there.

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